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New Crysis 2 Patch Arrives This Week

Crytek, the developer of Crysis 2, which was launched last week, has confirmed that a second update will arrive this week in order to solve all of the issues encountered by players both on the PC and on consoles like the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360.

Barely has Crysis 2 been released by Crytek and Electronic Arts, its publisher, when plenty of owners have already started complaining about issues with the gameplay or the multiplayer mode.

Crytek has already deployed a patch last week, which took the game to version 1.1, but that didn't really help all that much.

It did drop the auto-aiming after the requests of many players, improved on the multiplayer mode's matchmaking system and also added a special cheat-detection feature in order to ensure every gamer is playing by the rules.

The patch was deployed only on the PC, but Crytek is adamant that a new update will be released this week and, with any luck, it will also arrive on consoles.

"We've been working hard to resolve as many of the post-launch issues as possible including some improvements to our game security," the developer said on MyCrysis forums. "These updates will be made available via automatic-download later this week."

Crysis 2 has been eagerly awaited for a very long time, with lots of gamers, both on the PC and on consoles like the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360, looking forward to see the next installment in the first-person shooter series.

Even with the glitches and problems, Crysis 2 is, so far, the biggest release of the year for publisher Electronic Arts, beating previous titles like Dragon Age 2, Bulletstorm or Dead Space 2.

From the sales figures, which weren't disclosed, the Xbox 360 version was the most popular, accounting for 57% of sales, with the PlayStation 3 one coming in second with 29% while the PC edition was last with just 14%.

Expect more news about the Crysis 2 update later this week.

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